World Tourism Day 2020

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Tourism and Rural Development. Tourism is one of the most important economic and social phenomena at global level and is undoubtedly a strategic motor for regional development. The COVID 19…

Wie nachhaltig ist der Tourismus in Südtirol?

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Eurac Research: Die Beobachtungsstelle für nachhaltigen Tourismus in Südtirol zieht in ihrem ersten Jahresbericht Bilanz Nach einer Folge an Rekordsaisonen mit stets neuen Höchstzahlen, steht die Tourismuswirtschaft in Südtirol angesichts…

“La mobilità del virus ci ha reso immobili.”

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Una riflessione sul turismo e oltre. Di Anna Scuttari. Da stili di vita frenetici e giornate convulse, ci siamo ritrovati nella prigione silenziosa dell’immobilità. Improvvisamente ciò che era sinonimo di…
Observatories for sustainable tourism meet for exchange, Indonesian delegation visits South Tyrol

Observatories Meet for Exchange

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Indonesian Delegation Visits South Tyrol There are only seven observatories for sustainable tourism in Europe – one of them is located in South Tyrol. For comparison: The world’s largest island…
Anna Scuttari & Andreas Dibiasi Global INSTO Meeting Madrid

Global INSTO Meeting 2019 in Madrid

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Center for Advanced Studies contributes with a keynote about the advances in analyzing trail accessibility for better transportation planning More than 100 experts and stakeholders from all around the world…